August 16, 2012


I'm back here, back to my own little pretty corner of the Internet where a few of you come to read what I have to say. It's been months since I've felt like I had anything worth writing about, and even that sentence and what I thought about it has changed. I love writing, that's why I started bold bird, I want to write and I know I can and I have things I want to say if only I can be bold enough to fearlessly say them.

I'm an extremely private person by nature, I find it easy to make conversation yet very difficult to express the deepest parts of what I'm really thinking. What I've been thinking is that I really do love traveling, in fact I don't think I feel completely at home unless its somewhere completely foreign to me. My husband has made it so easy for me to find home within our marriage, within the family we are when we're together that its no longer about a familiar space but just being there together.

I love traveling, and so I want to write about it. Really write about it, how I felt in a foreign place at 8, at 14, at 18, married, single. There is so much more to traveling than being a tourist and more to a country than its "sites". I have some real bits and pieces of me to share and standing on this ledge (inspired by some of my favorite bloggers) I'm going to taking the writing leap again.


A quick update on me since February. I've been studying, which I always seem to be doing. I am a qualified Pilate's instructor as of about a month ago. Not entirely sure what made me want to study Pilate's but I am so glad I did.I would love to be an instructor and I'm not really sure when I'll get to be but teaching and interacting with people about their physical health and fitness seems to be something that makes me come alive. Some how exercise clears my mind like nothing else does and sharing that is amazing!

I studied through this group in case anyone is interested, they are the most recognized group for Pilate's in S.A.

My writing muscles sufficiently stretched and the blood flowing, till next time, Bisou xxx

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