July 24, 2013


Linking up with Grace again today- I really enjoyed getting to "meet" so many people through her last link-up!

1.I picked up 'The five love languages' book by Gary Campbell this weekend that I havn't read since a few years before Warren and I got married , it provided all over again a few revelations about love and is sort of a vitamin B injection to any marrriage. I would definatly recommend reading it!

2. I'm loving Elizabeth's blog at the moment, I love reading about lives in place so different to South Africa and seeing how people live and I really love her writing style.. OF COARSE Grace's too:)

3. I'm loving writing again, I've always wanted to write and I have written so much just not "published" much and this space has given me so much freedom in the last month.

4. CHILLIES, I've always felt amazing eating chillies and my parents sort of forced us to eat them as kids, my mom always used to say U never know we could move to a chilli eating coutry tomorrow and then force you to get the curry down. My dad is a huge chilli fan and I've been loving his fresh chillies and chilli pastes lately, plus the health benefits are insane, helps to burn calories and prevent a bunch of diseases this article is just one of many that shows how good they are, seriously google chillies!

5. Spending time with family, had five days away with them, and really there is nothing better!

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