November 30, 2011

Rory- sailing

So I've been wanting to do this little post on my brother for a while. Since he was in school he has wanted to go sailing, now I know to most that sounds like a strange dream but we grew up on books like Dove about young men of 16 sailing around the world and to add to that we have a family who loves the ocean and any sports or activities involving the ocean. We spent many days at the yacht Moll in Durban all imagining what it would be like to sail off in one of the yachts out into the open ocean.

Well this year my brother did exactly that, he went on his sailing coarse and then got a job delivering this yacht to Madagascar. He sailed from Cape Town and stopped in at the Durban yacht Moll and we really could climb on one of the yachts and he was living out the adventure we had all dreamed of.

You can read more about his experience training and sailing on his blog, and as soon as I have some of his photos of Madagascar I'll post them.. So I hope the adventure bug has bitten hard and left a mark.

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